
First time mum ??‍♀️ Can share experience / advise on : - labour - breast feeding - taking care of newborn

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Labour- please get epidural once you checked in. You can thank me later after. 😂 Breastfeeding- it is toughest. Tougher than labour but don’t give up! It’s best for the baby and u. Help to build strong immune system, and help u to lose weight fast. My baby has not fallen sick since birth. She is 11 months now. And I m still bfing. I gain 20+kg during preg and lose 10kg by end of 1st month :) Taking care of nb - nv easy! Get as much help as possible. Try to bf as you and baby get better sleep. Try to hire a care taker at least during the day. Join Mother support group for help and support. Good Luck!

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6y trước

thankyou 💙