Brown discharge at 7 weeks
hi. First time mum to be here. I am experiencing brown discharge at 7 weeks. not a lot. no blood. no pains. should I contact my obgyn? or wait for my next appointment scheduled in a week's time? #firsttimemom #PleaseAdvice thanks!

Experienced it before. Went to A&E(even though my first appt in a wk time) but doc cant really do anything but check if the foetus is okay inside. Coz like yours, no blood just brown discharge. Spotting kind. But a bit. Not continuous kind. But for me i felt pain in the left stomach and left heel. Just a bit uncomfortable. Doctor only gave a hormone kind of medicine to progesterone to help strengthen the pregnancy/reduce risk of miscarriage. She spotted a cyst near womb. Harmless but might be causing the occasional spotting. After eating the hormone medicine, all is well. No spotting. Now week 17. For now you just monitor first, if the brown discharge stops should be just a normal kind of spotting/implantation bleeding. If other pain comes with the spotting, then can highlight to the doctor. Just make sure you get enough rest and dont overwork your body. If too tired also can cause you to feel fatigue/easy for spotting to occur. If everything is okay no pain and you observe no more brown discharge coming out, can just wait for your appointment and tell obgyn about it. If more discharge or blood start coming out, go a&e immediately.
Read moreI have brownish discharge sometimes, but scan says my baby is ok. The colour is not really like spotting brown, its like yellowish-brown. I googled that sometimes you’ll get brown spotting some time after sex, which i think is the reason for mine
at wk 6- 7 ive brown and also pink spotting patch only when wipe down under, not really discharge a lot of amount kind. All these stopped at wk 8 and onwards for me. Do monitor!
It should be fine! But best to call your gynae for advice. It also gives a better peace of mind.