How often do you all see the gynae during 1st trimester?
Feeling abit paranoid due to light bleeding which comes and goes. Gynae would say increase the dosage of duphaston when bleeding and reduce when stop. My next appt is like 1 mth's time.

My gynae sees me every 2 weeks in the first trimester, monthly in the second trimester, and now that I'm in my third trimester, it's back to every 2 weeks... and will be weekly when I hit 36 weeks.
I see my gynae almost once a week in first tri because of bleeding. I know it’s very tiring and 💸💸💸 but no choice. If it keeps you sane and gives you a peace of mind, just do it
Mine was every 2 weeks when I had light bleeding. You can request if you’re concerned? I was paranoid having to wait too long too
normal pregnancy is about 1m to 1.5m, but gynae will always advise u to go back earlier if you need!