can feed new born baby a mixture of breast milk and formula milk?
Can we feed baby a mixture of breast milk and formula milk?

I mixed them when trying to switch from bm to fm (weaning off breastfeeding) because my baby rejected fm. But for newborn I just usually fed bm first then topped up with fm.
Yes I mixed when bm is not much. Your fm temperature must not be too high to kill off the antibodies from fresh bm
Yes, but better if feed bm first before fm instead of mixing. Fm cannot be left more than an hr
Nope. Bm first den if nt enuf u can den feed some fm.. dont mix both in bottle
I feed separately.. means after bm, then make fm. I don’t mix together.
No you cant mix bm and fm. But you can offer them separately
Nurses advised me never to mix BM with anything else
Offer in 2 different feed,bm first
try one after another