
Excited to be a first time daddy for my princess in coming October.

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Congratulations daddy! Be prepared for a roller coaster ride once baby is born. You can check out the baby calendar in the app to know what to expect on each stage of baby’s growth. There is also the counterpart for each stage of pregnancy.

6y trước

Yup looking at apps daily to see the progress. Thanks

Congrats! Seems like this year lots of oct babies!!! Even for ppl I personally know got nearly 10! (Including mine!)

6y trước

Me too haven’t choose. But narrowed down to one and waiting for the hosp your in aug

Thành viên VIP

U must be having a wonderful n beautiful daughter .. enjoy ur parenthood ..

5y trước

Thanks. Everyday is a learning day lol

Thành viên VIP

Aww congratulations! Get as much sleep as possible!

Thành viên VIP

Congrats! Do catch up on your sleep and rest now.

Super Mom

Congratulations and enjoy the process of parenthood! :)

Congrats!! Babies are such a lovely blessing 😍

Congratulations!! 🎊 Enjoy the journey!

Thành viên VIP

Congratulations and prepare for sleepless nights

Thành viên VIP

Congratulations! Enjoy this beautiful journey (: