Pls help me
Hello everyone Does anyone knows if can use medisave to deduct for the harmony test at SGH..???? #1stimemom #pleasehelp
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To answer your questions, don’t worry about cash flow. My wife and I went through all appointments from SGH (subsidised) since she is PR and we can accumulate all our bills and pay off whenever we have extra cash flow. You don’t have to pay upfront but please go ahead if this is your first child(like us) for assurance.
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If I’m not mistaken, I stumbled upon a similar topic before. These test are to be paid in cash only.
Cannot. Medisave can only be used for vaccines I believe
yes cash only. i jus took it a few weeks ago.
medisave cannot be used for Harmony test.
Only cash, even at other hospitals too.
Cannot use medisave
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