Allergic to Yogurt
Hi everyone, I fed yogurt to my 8 mo baby and after that her skin comes out rashes and itchy and red eyes too. Do you think it's due to allergic reaction? this is second time happen. what should I do?

Should be allergic.. Better stop feeding her yogurt for the time being.. Wait till she is at least 1 year old..

Could be allergic to the milk in the yogurt. Stop giving it for now and reintroduce after 12 months
Thank you. Does this meant that also allergic to milk? I only give breastmilk now.
Could be a lactose intollerence? You can check this with your paediatrician to confirm.
Might be an allergy in one of the ingredients. Do get your baby tested.
Could be an allergy. I think it's best to seek advice from a doc
It could be lactose intolerance or allergy. Please get it tested
Hi... please bring your child to see a doctor
Could be an allergy. Check with PD.
Send your kid to the doctor.