Ask the Expert Series: Tips to help manage your baby's sleep

Hello everyone! Excited to “see” you! I am Amber Lim, Clinical Psychologist. Together with the team at TAP, we would love to help as many of you to improve your little one's sleep. Sleeping is very important to your child's health and well-being. You can make your baby/ newborn fall asleep without help from you through sleep training. You can use many tips and give or schedule your baby quality sleep for hours. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Here are some questions asked in our community, and we got the answers for you ✅ 👩 How do I know whether my baby has sleep disorder? Any symptoms to look out for? 👩‍⚕️There are a few types of sleep disorders with various symptoms. If you notice snoring, frequent awakenings that are atypical for the child's age, difficulties falling asleep and impairments in your child's daytime functioning, it would be wise to seek help from a professional trained in assessing infant sleep. 👩Our 14-month-old has slept from 6.30 pm straight for 12 hours .He refuse to get day time naps? How can we train him for proper sleeping schedule? 👩‍⚕️I can see how this can be worrying because most parents would expect a child this age to have a nap during the day. Nevertheless, every child is different. The total amount of sleep your child has seems normal for his age. However, if you're noticing that he seems overtired by 6:30PM, or would like him to have a nap to be able to stay awake till a later time, it is possible to support him to have a nap. You could either experiment around to find a napping schedule, or obtain professional help to develop a bedtime fading strategy. Bedtime fading is an evidence-based intervention programme that can be helpful to help your child build sufficient sleep pressure for nap times. 👩 My baby has used to sleep during latching. Otherwise she refuse to sleep. she is now 5 months old. How can I make her sleep without latching 👩‍⚕️It sounds like your baby has developed an association between breastfeeding and sleeping, and may need some help to break the association. You can help her to learn other sleep associations that may be more manageable for you. Examples include a specific bedtime toy, blanket or swaddle. You first start by waking her when she falls asleep while breastfeeding, before putting her down. Thereafter, you can support her to feel sleepy while she is in her bed with a consistent routine. For example, hand settling after swaddling her. Do expect resistance initially as your child is learning to adjust to change. It will also be very important for you to be supported while you're helping your child learn, as this process can feel very stressful!

27 Replies

How much sleep my 3 month old needs? she is used to sleep after each feeding time. Is it normal?

A 3 month old baby requires an average of 14 to 17 hours of sleep a day. However, like us adults, every baby is different and the sleep need of a baby that age can range from 11 to 19 hours. It is normal for a child to be sleepy after feeding, however if you are concerned about your child's development or growth, it may be helpful to seek advice from a pediatrician.

How can I get my 3-month-old baby to sleep longer at night?

It is not advisable to sleep train a baby younger than 4 months, and your baby's sleep will be longer at night as their body clock develops (usually after 4 months, but every child varies). The body clock develops to be more similar to ours at the age of 6 months. To help your baby develop a healthy biological clock, support your baby in having plenty of daylight and stimulation in the day. While young infants need several naps during the daytime, you can experiment to find a napping schedule that makes your baby tired enough to get to sleep at night without being overtired. In the lead-up to bedtime, try to set a calming atmosphere and carry out the same bedtime routine every night. If possible, would you have the support of a family member to take shifts in feeding baby at night before he/she is ready for sleep training? Hang in there!

How many times should a baby fall asleep in a day?

VIP Member

only for babies? does this topic cover preschoolers too?


What is the best sleep environment for babies?

Good sleep environments for babies are very similar to good sleep environments for adults. A quiet, and dim room, with a comfortable temperature is recommended.

What are the common sleep problems in babies?

Hello there! Common complaints of baby sleep problems include frequent nighttime awakenings and difficulties falling asleep.

Does Sleep regression happen to all babies?

Every baby is unique, and not all may experience sleep regressions. Sleep regressions are temporary and can happen due to teething, illness, growth spurts, changing naptimes, or when they are learning new skills such as how to talk or walk. They are normal and part of development.

Should you wake a sleeping baby to eat?

This would be dependent on the age and health of your baby. If you are concerned about your child's growth, it would be appropriate to seek advice from a pediatrician.

How can we sleep train 5 months old?

In general, developing a consistent routine is essential in helping your baby to sleep through the night. To help your baby develop a healthy biological clock, support your baby in having plenty of daylight and stimulation in the day. While young infants need several naps during the daytime, you can experiment to find a napping schedule that makes your baby tired enough to get to sleep at night without being overtired. In the lead-up to bedtime, try to set a calming atmosphere and carry out the same bedtime routine every night. An important part of developing healthy sleeping habits for your baby includes teaching them to fall asleep on their own. It is best to put your baby to bed before they actually fall asleep. This helps your baby to be less anxious during night awakenings, and they will be more likely to fall back asleep without needing your help.

How do you sleep train a baby?

This would be dependent on the age and needs of the baby and family. Sleep training is not recommended for babies under 4 months old. If your baby is above 4 months old and healthy, you can explore controlled crying as an evidence-based method to improve your child's sleep. However, sleep training is a topic that can be emotional for families.The way we feel about our baby's sleep is closely linked to the amount, and quality of sleep our babies get. I would recommend seeking support and consensus with significant caregivers, to help you feel supported, before embarking on a sleep training plan.

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