does folic acid help to stop nausea?

ever since taking folic acid, my nausea feeling stopped. Is this normal for pregnant ladies?

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Yes, it's totally normal! Folic acid is essential for pregnant women as it helps in the development of the baby's neural tube. But hey, the bonus is it might also help ease that pesky nausea feeling! Every mom-to-be experiences pregnancy differently, and for some lucky ones like you, folic acid does the trick. Keep up with your prenatal vitamins and if you have any concerns, it's always good to chat with your healthcare provider. They can give you personalized advice based on your needs. Hang in there, you're doing great! 🌟 Mama's Choice $18 voucher 👉🏻

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No…. Folic acid does NOT stop nausea…. But folic acid is essential for baby’s growth to reduce the risk of neural tube defect.

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