Ever since some issue between me and my husband our relationship turn plain and sour. Don't get me wrong, he is still trying his best and he didn't have another party too. Wonder is it normal for relationship to turn plain?

It's common for a relationship to flatline especially if something negative happens. Now I'm not too sure what happened between you and your husband but if there is no infidelity or betrayal, then I'm guessing it has something to do with family, money, a misunderstanding or stress of sorts. Have you tried talking things out? I'm guilty of bottling up my emotions when I'm unhappy and I realize that my negative energy somehow seeps into other aspects of life, including my relationship with my partner. Also, if you feel like your relationship is turning plain, that's normal too. It can't always be a fairytale and fireworks everyday -- it takes effort from both sides to make in "not plain". Hang out with other alone without any distractions and talk about it, it sounds simple and relatively minute but talking and communicating your feelings go a long way.
Read moreYes, I agree that it is common for relationship to reach a status quo. While it could be some lingering “remnants” of the issue still clouding over your relationship, it could also just be a lack of new activities to excite the both of you. Since it sounds like both of you are trying to move on from the issue, why not dedicate a fresh start. How about taking a staycation/vacation or picking up a new hobby together and try to have some changes in the relationship. This may make it easier to move forward I feel. Have some quality time together. If needed, thrash things out for the last time and try to move on once and for all. Take care!
Read moreTry having more heart-to-heart talks. One thing I've realised is that males and females view things very differently. For example, sometimes ladies just want to "whine"/complain but the guys would instinctively want to offer solutions (problem-solve). So, at times, we really just need to tell them point-blank what we are thinking or what we really want. Keep the guessing/mind-reading to a minimal and that may help.
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Bring back the spark. Relationship will be more amazing if you keep the fire burning, have some dates and celebrate monthsary's, talk to each other on you started your relationship/throwback each other memories.
Its normal for such periods to happen in married life. You could talk about what is really bothering you guys and you'll get the spark back!
Hoping is this way too . We are very different something he doesn't even understand what I want . Arghh .
Can try start some sparks, doing something fun n enjoyable together.