5 Replies

Hi my baby was born in dec 2015 and I brought her out for CNY in feb this year when she is two months old. You will have to make some changes to your schedule for sure. Since baby is still two months old, usually they will sleep a lot so assuming your baby is the type who can fall asleep easily and doesn't wake easily to sounds, house visiting should not be too challenging. If you are breastfeeding just have to ask your relatives to lend you one of their rooms? Actually house visiting should be very convenient to bring babies along with because you can find everything in people's house or at least most of the things you need for eg hot water, water to wash baby's butt if he poos, rooms for bf, and bed for diaper change assuming your relatives are ok with it. But I will usually let my baby have her morn naps first before heading out and I try to reach home before her bedtime. You can consider to put baby in a carrier as they tend to sleep easily in a carrier. Or you can time your visits such that they coincide with babies awake time. Just relax and go with the flow. Try not to stay out too long as this may make baby overstimulated and hard to sleep at night. My mom always advises me to bring baby home before sunset or by 7.

I keep the visiting short and be home before her bedtime to avoid having a cranky baby in front of relatives and friends. I nursed on the go with a good nursing cover or request for a quiet room to nurse. As I have a toddler with me, we made it a point to leave the house by mid day so by then baby would have already poo-ed. I kept her in my sling all the time unless she was awake and I allowed baby to be carried for awhile say 15minutes to prevent her from being passed to one person to another and rocked here and there only to get overstimulated. I also factored in the time to have dinner at the relative's/friend's place. We would aim for early dinner say 5pm and be home by 6:30pm so that by the time baby is bathed and settled, it's her bedtime at 7pm. Try working your time schedule backwards. Take your baby's sleep time as a guide. Give yourself 30mins to bathe and prepare her for bed and plan your schedule.

I started bringing my baby out before my confinement ended in pram. And by 2 months he is a very seasoned "traveller" already. It is actually good to start with house visiting as u can easily have a place to change diaper, make milk etc. He can also nap on the pram when he is tired.

I delivered my boy exactly on 1st day of fasting month in 2014. A month later, come hari raya at 1 month old, he sleeps alot. Quite easy to take care of. Does not fuss when others hold him. But i do make it a must to be home before 6pm for visiting

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