post natal massage

my edd is dec. shld I book a post natal massage now? Amy recommendations?

9 Replies
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Hi, I am a mummy to be and am taking up the promo by Mdm partum. 10 session 90 mins home massage is 1488 (ard there) but usually is 1688 But they need 10 mummies in order for the sake to go thru, now only 6 mummies. Let me know if u interested? Can text u the lady no..

6y trước

Thanks. But it's too expensive for me

Yes, if you're looking into javanese post natal massage, look up on Carousell got one seller having promo of $550 for 10 days. 200+ positive reviews from other mummies.

6y trước


Super Mom

Yes, i booked late and most slots are taken up by diff preferred providers...

Super Mom

Madam partum.. u can book after as well.. just few days in advanced

Yes you can book now. Can try madam partum

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Yes. You can checkout

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Yes book now to avoid dissapointments

Yesm can ..

Super Mom
