Can I Eat Aiyu Jelly While Pregnant?

Hi, I'm in my first trimester. Is aiyu jelly safe to eat?

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Hi! Yes you can eat moderately. But Aiyu jelly is consider a "cold" food to your womb. So it's advisable not to take too much espif your body is more of the cold kind (hands and feet get cold easily)

Best to avoid food that is 凉 during the first trimester. Just to be on the safe side. Only need to tahan for a few months.

Thành viên VIP

Can eat but in moderation as it is cooling.

Yes but in moderation.

Thành viên VIP

Yup, eat in moderation

Yes but not too much

Super Mom

Yes but not so much

Super Mom

Yes but not daily

Ok.. moderation

In moderation