Due soon now and wondering howdo u know if u are producing colostrum first few days of birth? Not sure how to tell if I have supply for LO.. TIA!

If you try expressing your breast now (press from the base of the breast and firmly slide toward the nipple) you might get a drop or two of a yellow, sticky liquid. That's colostrum ☺️. Try latching the baby as soon as baby comes out and expressing with your hand! At first you won't get much but it's OK. Breastfeeding will be challenging but there's a lot of support online and it will be hugely rewarding so jia you and all the best!
Read moreYour Milk will be ready once your baby is born. The first milk that you giving to your newborn will be colostrum. Usually, there will be lactation consultant to guide you and explain to you. Side note: Sometime, breastfeeding if hard but is good! Jia you mommy!
Read moreYou can see when you press and squeeze. I remember when I burp baby and he burped with light milky smell from his breath LOL. Don’t stress! Breastfeeding is easily stressful at the beginning but eventually you will find it fun.
I think you can ask the nurses in the hospital to help you check? If you have colostrum, it might come upon pressing/hand expressing, my friend :) Have a safe delivery!
Hi mummy, you can request for the lacatation consultant to assist you in that. Don't worry and safe delivery! :)
U ll know eventually. :)