How often do u test after Embryo transfer during TWW?
Just done FET and now in TWW for blood test. My blood test schedule on 15days after transfer. Is it that long? How often do you test at home while waiting?

I tested 4 days before my blood test. Blood test was on a Friday, used cheap test kit from guardian from Monday till Wed then used a Clearblue test kit on Thursday. I guess it was instinct that made me want to test.
Ya the blood test will be about 2 weeks after transfer. I test on D6PD5T cos i got backache like 2-3 days after transfer and i got faint line. I kiasu i test everyday until the day of blood test.
i test when near to 2 weeks, as after transplant too early check wont b accurate cos of the meds n hormon we taking
I feel that it best to test nearer to the end of TWW. I personally tested on D11PD3T 😄 And used digital on D12
Yes the blood test is scheduled 2 weeks after the transfer. I tested daily since D6PD4T 🥹
I started testing 5 days post transfer & tested every alternate day until blood test
Tested 2 days prior to period due.
never test