8 Replies

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I’ve seen kids this age lie to my face even though the thing that they lied about happened seconds ago and i was there 🤣

I was thinking, perhaps we could have sounded accusatory when asking for the truth, eg. "Did you...." Asking "What happened?" would be more objective, and there's a higher chance of the child relating what really happened.

VIP Member

I don’t think is lie. They tend to choose the “right” answer so that they won’t get scolding from parent. Lol

VIP Member

Not a good thing , but try her creative side.. y she say so, is she got scared to tell truth or any other reason ..

They do... Just guide them back :) still in learning phase

VIP Member

Be aware. Talk to her. Not a good habit to grow with

VIP Member

Quickly change this habit yeah her/him

Slowly coach and guide them back.. :)

THey're still young. They'll be fine.

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