Husband helping out in parenting duties.

Hi, does your husband helps out in parenting duties? Eg. Feeding, bathing, changing diaper and putting the baby to sleep

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Yes, he does sometimes. Not because he’s not willing but because my girl would often prefer me or our helper to make sleep.

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Yes, he does more in fact, cos i still need to spend time in pumping. Dads need to do their job too, they're also parents.

Yes, thank God. Ever since I gave birth and back home, 99% of the time is him doing the work. Helps me alot to heal faster.

Yes! :) He will also encourage me to go out and get some ME time while he takes over the duties while I’m away!

Yes, my husband always try to help whenever he can and if he's not tired. He will offer to help during his off days.

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yes! I always tell him that my baby follows his surname! and I carried baby for almost 10 months.

Yes he is very helping. Because of him, we are able to manage work and have good family time too

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yes always... not only he helps with the baby stuff but also helps with the household chores...

Super Mom

he helps with putting baby to sleep. changing diapers we take turns. feeding and bathing is me

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Yes but only if I falling sick. However, he did help out a lot for outdoors activities.