Recommendation other than haakaa for bm collection

Does other manual pumps work the same way? Eg hegen manual pump

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Super Mom

Haakaa is more convenient since you just place it there and the milk will flow out, manual pump you will need to keep pumping. Haakaa is cheaper too so highly recommend

Thành viên VIP

I cannot comment about whether other brand works the same, but I have tried haakaa personally and think that it is great for collect letdown.

Super Mom

I’ll latch one side and pump the other side with my electric pump.. somehow it’s more than just using haakaa pump to collect let down.

Thành viên VIP

Haakaa is more convenient. You do not need to manually press. It “suck” by itself

I think Hegen has a good manual pump

Super Mom

U can buy hakaa pump from shopee.

Influencer của TAP

Nature Bond silicone breast pump

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Hi, It is a good and convenient brand. You can go ahead with this