Sad mum
Does any mummy feel like their social life have change after having kids? Sometime i secretly feel so upset knowing all my friends are out at night having dinner and drinks.

Yes, definitely! It’s part and parcel of becoming a mom. I’m a new mom too. People say motherhood can be a lonely journey. Connect yourself with new moms, make new mom friends - it’s great for support and you won’t feel so alone 😌 I have already enjoyed my life as a singleton but sometimes I do miss my carefree days. It’s important for you to have a break from your baby, e.g. a few hours for shopping/spa/mani pedi or catching up with your friends while somebody takes care of your baby. Can get your mom/siblings etc to help look after baby. Don’t feel guilty about taking a short break because happy mom = happy baby! If you miss going out with your friends, once in a while can get them to come over to your place for game night, etc and they can bond with your little one too.
Read moreYou need to find new bunch of friend who have children to give you support. Most importantly is your mindset have to be positive too. Your friends may be drinking and partying out there which u think is nice, but they maybe envious of you having your children first, by than your children grow up u can go out chillax they are stuck at home. It's a cycle. Why worry and being sad?
Read moreCheer Up!! Ur entering motherhood now and its the best feeling ever....jus think of it that ur other frens might feel they wish they have a lil one too! ❤ its always greener on the other side... ur lil one needs U more. Embrace it *Hugs*
I don't feel that way. Coz I enjoy my child's presence knowing they will grow up and everything will be different. Dont mind your friends, coz not all of your friends are true. Your kids are true with you so avoid that feeling.
Don't be sad! I believe your husband same as you? You can leave your kids for someone to take care first just for a day. For me only out for meal with friends for a while, but heart still think of my child.
Thks love!
That's life but I'm sure there will be some friends who envy you too! Do get to know more mommies out there, share stories, share parenting tips etc. Enjoy motherhood, it gets better as our kids get older(:
Thks love
Yep will feel sad. I'm the 1st one in my group to get married and have kids, so whenever they go out and i cant join, i will feel disheartened. This is part and parcel of parenthood i guess.
It's ok you'll be used to it and always remember nit all of our friends are true friends. Have fun with your family.
Definitely life change after having kids. The freedom to do everything I want revolves around the kids now. However, i’ll try to take some time to do my own things once awhile.
The grass is always greener on the other side. Take yours as a positive. If you really want your 'me' time, why don't you arrange someone to take care of your kids for the day.
Hi, It is very normal to experience this but what you have is also a very beautiful and different experience. Please try to take break sometimes and go out. this will refresh you
Thks love!
Mumsy of 2 beautiful kids