Coffee and breastfeeding
Does any breastfeeding moms here still drinks coffee? How does it affect your baby?

One cup a day is fine! I avoided caffeine during my 1st trimester. 2nd trimester onwards I do take but maximum I took was 2 cups per day until now 2 months of breastfeeding 😂.
I do take a cup or two daily, LO seems fine. I have heard of caffeine being passed down to babies thru breastmilk, causing them to be sleepless? Not sure how true...
I was on cold turkey until when my lo turns 8mth then I started drinking coffee again. I started by drinking coffee after I have latched or expressed my bm.
It's OK to drink coffee while breastfeeding, I drink 1-2 cups a day, baby's fine. Just in moderation
its okay to drink coffee, just limit to 2cup per day, everythg in moderation is the key
I drink occasionally but never more than a cup a day. So far no issues with my girl.
Ya. One cup. Insignificant impact for baby but significant impact for me.
I drink a cup a day. Usually after pumping or before baby's next feed
I drink 1 cup daily, not sure if it affect my boy🤣
I still drink but moderately. Sometimes decaf.