Does anyone have cramp feeling at the bottom of the tummy during the first trimester? any tips on how to make it feel better?

I had some mild cramps up on n off in early pregnancy (like until week 10?), you can use warm towel on your abdomen to try n ease the discomfort! ❤️ rmb to highlight to your gynae at next visit.
Its normal. Try to get as much rest as possible. Dont overwork urself or carry any heavy stuff. Warm bath is also nice and relaxing!
Try putting a warm towel over your tummy or take a warm bath. If cramps becomes too painful do visit your gynae soon, take care!
Nvr experience that. But maybe cus im meaty. Best to consult doc if its constantly occuring.
I felt the cramps. My gynae said it’s normal, due to uterus stretching
After a short walk have tighten feel. But not the cramp feel
No.. better inform gynae