6 Replies

20 weeks yes still too early as baby will turn probably at 32 weeks onwards for some people. Both of my kids were breech at the same early stage and was head down near to third tri. I, too was worried but I didn't do anything and let it happened on its own. Because at times when we did what we could baby will turn back to breech position or will not turn at all.

one of the tips that i heard from a talk was to importantly not sit or lay on your back for too long. while sitting, you can try to bend forward especially the start of 3rd trimester. 2ndly, talk to baby :) 3rd, lots of walks.

Mine is also breeched at the week20 detailed scan. But was told not to worry as most babies will gradually turn down over time.. just let him/her do its thing! :)

yea 20 weeks too early! relax and just let nature take it course. dont give urself uneccesary stress

Mine was breech during 31w scan but turned head down during 34w scan. 20w is still very early.

Mine also breech presentation yesterday 20W scan.

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