9 Replies

I had spotting when I was about 5weeks pregnant all the way till 14weeks. My gynae also prescribes me aspirin. Same like you, I went online & goggle. Husband & I decided not to take it. Previously I had 2 miscarriages at 18weeks & 8 weeks. For this pregnancy, my gynae also gave me progesterone injection (help to stabilize my pregnancy).

Hi, may I know if not taking the aspirin caused any issue for your case? Thanks!

Hi 🙋‍♀️ mummy, my gyne advise to take aspirin too. I had high BP in the initial stages and have Thalassemia. Gyne told me take aspirin it to thin my blood 🩸 so that my baby get enough blood. She told me that if I dun take it during pregnancy it might endanger me. My princess is born healthy.

I was also given aspirin. Cant remember if i started from wk 14. Gynae said it was to open up more vessels even though everyting was okay (except fluid was lower than his ideal). He also mention to take until week 34/36. I also initially got worried but i guess its better to believe the gynaes? Haha

Not everything you read online is accurate. I was told to take aspirin too by my Doctor and I just listen to Doctor's advice as they know our condition the best. My Doctor told me to stop taking aspirin at 34 weeks pregnancy, I did. Now I'm 37 weeks, baby and I is doing very well.

Super Mum

At your own risk. Small dose of aspirin has been prescribed by many gynae for pregnancy with history of miscarriage. Would you rather trust your gynae or online google?

I didnt take it too because i was skeptic.so far my pregnancy was smooth except fast heartbeat and i have safely given birth to a healthy baby🤗

Good to hear! May I know what causes the fast heartbeat? Was it the reason why you were prescribed to aspirin too?

We are no experts here. Pls listen to professional advice. If not, u can seek 2nd opinion from another gynae?

I was given aspirin too. Doctor say no effects to the baby. cause the aspirij need to thin the blood.

I am on aspirin since week 12th. Trust your gynae, they are trained professional.

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