Do outward facing carriers cause over stimulation in babies?

In all carriers baby should be facing inwards body facing you to avoid overstimulation. Cause if they face outwards and they are overstimulated, they cant find anything to comfort them.. If their body facing is us, at least they still can cuddle to us. Besides over stimulation, babies cannot understand the concept that we are still around when we are out of sight even for a brief few seconds. To them, when they dont see you, you are gone forever. That causes them to panic and feel insecure and eventually fuss and cry. The close proximity to your face when you wear her inwards also allow her to observe your reaction to the world and that's how they learn best. They also love to watch mummy's facial expression. Forward facing will not allow that interaction but inward facing does. Even in strollers, babies are advised to be facing the parent so they find comfort looking at you as the stroller moves.
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It doesn't cause over stimulation for my baby but I don't put her forward facing for more than 15 minutes to protect her spine. My girl enjoys being put in the forward facing position and will fuss to be turned around. After which she goes to sleep after she gets tired looking around.
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Outward facing carriers are not ergonomic. If you wish to carry your baby facing outwards, do make sure it is limited to not more than 15 minutes.