Mixing underwear

Do you ladies wash ur undies or mixing it with ur hubby clothes n wash? Old generation will said it not gd to wash it with hubby clothes. Hubby will not have"gd fortune". What do you ladies think?

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Not based on any superstitious but I wash underwear separately from the normal clothes.

I wash my undies separately mainly because of hygiene purposes.

I handwash my undergarments , put in a laundry bag & wash altogether .

I also hand wash my lingerie, only clothing will be mix with my hubby

Handwash mine everyday. Canmot tahan to leave it even overnight

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Me I do everything together with hubby. But baby is separate

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Best to hand wash both yours and hubby's underwear (:

I hand wash mine everyday as I am very germaphobic

em, not superstitious, so no. we mix our laundry.

I wash all tgt. separate with laundry bag.