Mixing underwear

Do you ladies wash ur undies or mixing it with ur hubby clothes n wash? Old generation will said it not gd to wash it with hubby clothes. Hubby will not have"gd fortune". What do you ladies think?

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we just separate baby's clothes and adult clothes then adult clothes by dark colour and light colours (in case of colour contaminations etc)

I m brought up having to handwash my undies since 12 years old. So it is now my habit to do so. It is not so much of a bad luck.

I separately wash my clothes & hubby & kids clothes. Dunno how true it is but hubby is superstitious so I just follow Lor.

Hubby and mine, all wash together all these 11 years.. Except for our LO’s clothes as we use baby clothes detergent.

I didn't know about the fortune thing. sometimes all these beliefs doesn't relevant to the current timeline.

I always wear party liner. Everything goes into the washing machine. Adults 1 wash. Children another wash

I don't overthink it - I throw all the underwear and delicates in together so long a similar colours.

I wash all the clothes together though I do use a laundry bag. Have been doing that for 17yrs....

Everything inside the washing machine. Why waste detergent & water to wash separately?

Super Mom

Mix together. Anyway using pantyliner every single day, so no stain no discharge on panty.