63 Replies
I wash my undies during my bath and hang it to dry in the toilet (my house)/room (in laws place). Bras I just throw into the washing machine and wash it altogether with the clothes.
I use to handwash when I was growing up cause my mum says so. Now my hubby doesn't mind, and I use panty liners everyday, so everything just goes into the washing machine together.
I separate wash using washing machine. I wash my shorts or undies first using washing machine. After that another round is our both clothes (hubby's undies, our shirt, etc)
My wife wash her own underwear , cos she is bought up this way, and she is use to washing her own underwear. She say she will feel embarrassed if i wash her underwear
We wash our undies together but separately from other clothes. On most days, I hand wash panties right after taking a bath. We were taught to do this since young.
You wash undies together, yours and your husband’s, but separate from clothes. Never heard of this superstition before and IMHO, doesn’t make sense at all.
i think is bullshit... we only seperate babies & adult clothes.. coz babies clothes need to wash with hot water.. adult clothes can just wash with cold water..
i used to dump altogether to wash, aftr staying my mil hse, i can dump only clothes, for my bras and underwear i handwash then my hubby one my mil wash...
Mix together and wash in washing machine. But before that i will scrub clean any stains on my underwear first before throwing it in the machine.
I wash all together as well. 60 degrees hot water. It is enough to clean all germs. Also regarding panties, i use panty liner as well.