Do food cravings continue post-partum? Or it's just the body saying it needs certain food? I get cravings for carbs and sweet stuff and im not preggers!

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Oh I heard it's quite possible. My best friend craved a million things during her pregnancy and she seemed to crave even more after giving birth. My theory is that the cravings during pregnancy is hormonal and baby related and the one after pregnancy is the body needing all sorts of comfort foods to get mommies through the day heehee :)

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The cravings don't continue but the change of palate does. Before I got pregnant I seldom ate char siew rice and I hated honeydew and peanut butter. During pregnancy I wanted to eat them sometimes. And even now after giving birth I continue to like them.

I craved a particular indian sweet post delivery for almost 3 months after pregnancy. some people say that the cravings worsen after child birth but mine were nominal. This is mostly because breastfeeding makes us tired :)

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Yes.. it is possible.