Did you and you husband continue to share a room after the baby was born?

Did you and you husband continue to share a room after the baby was born? My friend's husband is suggesting that since he will have to be up in the mornings and be at work all day long, he should move into the spare room for a couple of months. He says he will need a good night's rest to be productive the next day and since my friend has her mother and CL for support that this should be ok. Did any of you experience this as well?

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I sleep with my husband in the same room, but separate mattress as 3 of us couldn't cramp into a queen size bed and our baby back then loves to latch to sleep and his sleeping position is horrible at times. Few years later, we bought king size bed and sleep together for 1 year and husband complaining of our son always occupy his space. And since we are late sleepers we decided to sleep in separate rooms as our son is going to Primary one soon, sleeping early is crucial as my husband knocks off from work late and have a habit of watching Tv in bedroom before he sleeps. And now when he complains not enough sleep or poor quality sleep, he can no longer blame me or our son since he is sleeping on a King size bed by himself.

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