Vistara gene test
Did you do the Vistara gene test? Why or why not? In a dilemma if we should do it..

Do u have a concern that’s why u were thinking of doing this? Any family history… etc. Being a FTM, I was anxious and asked my gynae if there were other tests I would require to check the well-being / possible birth defects of my baby. She told me not to overthink, unless there is really a family history, and it happened to first pregnancy that there’s some birth defects, then we think of the other required tests.. so don’t waste $. I did harmony test only :)
Read moreHi there! Is there a reason why you are thinking of taking a gene test? Is there family history or risk factors? If you had found out baby has a gene mutation, does it change anything for you guys? I think these are important questions that you should consider. Take care!
thanks for the responses mummies! decided not to do the vistara and just go ahead with oscar and nipt
never heard of this test.