Covid and Post Natal Massage.

Did you get a post natal massage during this time? I planned on taking a short package of 5 days only. I still haven't found the right one though 😣 I didn't do any post natal massage for my previous pregnancies. I took care of myself but now, I thought of pampering myself. This is my third pregnancy and it will be my very first post natal massage! Some of them are so concerned over this rising cases and I totally understand but if I were to wait for 1-2 weeks and some stated after 4 weeks of giving birth then can proceed with the massage... I might as well take care of myself again. I don't understand. They want deposit asap but delay the massage date... Any recommendations or what should I do?

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If natural birth best to start as soon as possible, ideally from day 5 onwards. Massage also helps to get rid of water retention faster. I just completed 10 sessions and already lost 10kg, 3 weeks post partum!