89 Replies

Yes, I did. We created a private Instagram account for our close friends and family. Especially during Covid with our friends and families overseas not being able to meet or see our baby.

Nope, I will not or maybe if my daughter is responsible enough to use FB. Maybe when she's 13. But still with restrictions. I must know the password and she can also use FB on our common pc.

My friend has a facebook account for his 2-year old son. She uses it to post photos and videos of her little one. What's funny is that it sometimes get more likes than of her real account.

No. I do not. I do not wish to do do considering the fact that I do not trust social media privacy policy snx fear that the posts, pictures might be misused.

I believe my child has a right to privacy. She can open a social media account for herself when she is old and mature enough.

Its a no for me...I will let him decide if he wants a social media account when he is old and responsible enough.

I wouldn't make one. It's really unnecessary. What I just do is upload all his pictures in my account

Sometimes I want to. But then I don't want rin haha! And my husband is really against it hehe

I hvent created any acc for my son... but i do hve few albums with my sons pics n videos ...

No. I'd rather that i keep their photos in my account or hubby's account.

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