15 Weeks And Losing Weight

Did Anyone here Have Any Indigestion Issues And No Apettite During 2nd Trimester?

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i didn't put on weight on lose weight during 15w to 20w due to indigestion and gastric. gynae says its normal at this time but will eventually be better during mid second semester when baby grows more. I had Omeprazole to treat my gastric at wk20 to 22 and I felt better since. yes the only advise is not to eat till too full. eat small portions and give time for digestion after meals before u start snacking and try not to drink too much in between ur food too yeah.

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im at week 15 now. i can eat but i cant eat alot. like a fish n chips dish, i eat only a third of eat and i feel full. if i were to force eat, i will vomit. so i always stop eating before i feel too full. i always get the want to vomit feel but most times nthg come out. i take gaviscon and it helped with the indigestion.

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hello mummy my one is on first trimester but now on my 2nd trimester my appetite already good.Ithink we all have defferences but be string mummy u will be fine 😊😊

I’m at week 14, i lost about 2kg. I only started to feel morning sickness on my 2nd trimster. Check with gynae everything in healthly range. Nothing to worry about

Yes, it comes and goes for me too. Trying to explore different food options that I can eat when hungry. Tiring but trying. If unsure, better ask gynae.

hi i recommend keeping a box of gaviscon with you and eat when you really need it. it helps me curb the indigestion and helped me eat better.

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Yes me! I lost almost 5kg during my 2nd trimester because I couldn’t eat due to really bad indigestion. Had to see a gastro specialist

5y trước

Are you on any medication for gastro?

For me i lost weight not because i no appetite n indigestion issue.. but i lost till i even lighter than i was at wk 8!

Is normal. Even now I coming to 16 wks still feel nausea and vomit at times.. No big appetite too.

me too.. lost about 3kg during my 2nd trimester.. next week will go see gyne.hope evrythg ok