7 Replies

If you have low levels of progesterone, it may result in a miscarriage, hence doctor may advise you to take oral tablets or the injection version. For me, I had to take both - progesterone tablets every day and 1 injection per week. It definitely helped to stabilize the pregnancy as I'm considered high risk, plus this was my 3rd pregnancy after 2 previous miscarriages. It's best to take if advised by doctor. All the best to you!

I did injection twice whenever I spotted and went A&E. Dosage doubled on second visit. On top of that, I took pills on daily basis to maintain. I feel more discomfort aft second higher dosage but I heard injection effect more effective than pills. So just bear with it for the good of your baby.

I am taking 2 tablets of 2 different types of medicines 3 times a day and 2 vaginal gel daily plus twice weekly progesterone jab. Don't worry. It will all end by 1st trimester once the placenta is form.

I had the same injection during my first trimester, once every 1-2weeks. I don't think there's any way to increase. Currently 33weeks, so far so good.

Hi everyone. Thank you for all your comments. I just had miscarriage. My baby is gone. 😭😭

Super Mum

Nothing else u can do. The jab can only be given every few days. Hope your baby will grow soon.

I had taken progesterone pills and jab in first trimester bcos I had spotting. It’s ok. Just take it

My spotting is now bleeding😟

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