Dear Mummies, My baby is 1 month Just recently she has nose stuck, She is difficult to breath sometimes It makes me so worry Just now she was shaking to try to breath What should i do?

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For now, keep her head up or inclined, never flat on her back. This should help make it easier to breathe. But observe what the breathing sounds like. If it's a whistling sound through the nostrils, then it could just be mucus which you can suction out. But if it's fast laboured breathing, it could be pneumonia. I advise you to ask your pedia right away. Better to bother the doctor about nothing than do nothing and find out too late that it was something, especially when it comes to newborns.

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7y trước

thank you, tmr will go to polyclinic, baby vomited and struggle to sleep, i guessed she couldnt sleep