I think that’s the only cough syrup that PDs give. If you’re scared to give it too much, how about you give it once first and see whether she’s better? Must be quite tiring for your LO to keep coughing too. Also, avoid air con, second hand smoke/ancestral burning areas, keep her room air moist and cool, ensure she’s well hydrated and fed and that she sleeps well. Hope she gets well soon:)
Is she having issue with feeding or sleeping? If not then just continue with the cough med that pd prescribe. For my lo case is wheezing plus phlegm in lungs and affected feeding g so hospitalised for 4 days for nebuliser and oxygen at 5 mths
Hi she drink and sleep as per normal but her cough is crazy
If doctor prescribe then its safe. Then try rubbing vicks for babies at the chest area and feet when sleeping. It helps
Hi! The medicine should be ok if pd prescribed it. Dehumidifier might help him if you sleep in ac room.
Yes prospan is safe for babies, do give the medicine to your baby soon.
Thank u .i am really very stress because the cough is loud and hard.she is only baby but it sound like adult cough and no one smokes in my family😭😭
Hey, It should be safe since the doctor prescribed it
It should be safe since the doctor prescribe it.
since its prescribe by pd. it shld be safe
Believe the Dr.