Hi!!! My daughter is 14 months old n she has not started walking..she used to walk with support but does not without support..

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Hi, That is cool. Please do not take so much stress. All kids reach their developmental milestones at their own pace. Some kids start walking when they turn one, some kids get their first tooth after they turn 10 months and some get it in the 6th month itself. Just do not compare your baby with others. Your baby has already started walking with support and it is just a matter of time that she will be walking without support and soon running all around the home. Enjoy this time rather than worrying because this is the only time you will see your baby trying to walk. Once she will learn walking, you will remember this time, as that was the time when she was learning to walk etc.

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if she was walking with support, it means she will gradually walk without support as well. some babies start walking only around the age of 1.5 - 1.8 months. if you are worried, i would suggest you speak to the doc once after 1.5 months of age, and don't stress yourself. to try and encourage your baby to walk, you can play by standing in front and holding your hands out, asking your baby to come to you. or you could hold a favourite toy and ask your baby to come walk and take it.

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don't worry at all, as she will soon pick up the balancing act and walk without support too. some babies only start walking around the 15th month, while some walk even later, and that is perfectly normal as well. you can encourage your baby to walk by showing some toys and asking your baby to come and touch them. keep trying and make a game out of it, but don't stress yourself or your baby.

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My son is 15 month now and he just started walking..don't worry