4 Replies

VIP Member

Have you tried babywearing? Use a ring sling or soft structured carrier so you don't have to strain your wrists. Some babies need more attention than others. Hopefully she will grow out of it. You can still swaddle her so she feels secure. She can be swaddled until her Moro reflex disappears.

Have u tried soothing her and allowing her to go into deep sleep? If u r breastfeeding, nursing her to sleep helps too. As Jamie had mentioned, ising a ring sling is another option. My baby would want to sleep in the ring aling at times too.

Thanks mummies. She falls zz in the wrap. But I try not to wrap her too often at home as the wrap Is warm. Yes. It's true she enjoys the rocking movements. I keep rocking her till I'm tired.

VIP Member

Maybe she enjoys the rocking movements - I found that besides walking baby, she also falls asleep when I Rock her while lying her on my thighs with my knees up.