Obsessive MIL or sensitive me?

Currently I am having my confinement. Started to get annoyed by my mil who tried to interfere me on how to handle my infant. 1) Finally managed to get my bb fall aslp, 2 hrs later she went to wake her up to bath. 2) Trying to stop Infant to sleep with us in same room. Keep giving excuses say I need to rest and sleep throughout the night. (In fact I need to breastfeed her) 3) Not giving me much chance to hold and cuddle my bb and take away my job to feed unless my hubby told her firmly i need to breastfeed her. Heard from my hubby she claiming just wanted me to rest more... Can anyone advise if I am sensitive or facing an obsessive mil over my bb?

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She sounds like a lovely lady, just over zealous in wanting to let you rest more as they went through a different teaching in their time so they do not understand the importance of BF or your need to bond with your LO, so the key is communication. Have a causal chat with her to let her know how she can help to give you more rest, like in between feeds she can help to play with your baby but first to let you BF then it's her turn. Let her know that she can bath baby but you'll decide when and pass baby to her when ready. she can sleep with baby but let her know that she has to pass baby to you for BM then she can help to put baby to bed so you can rest. it's all about setting expectations and rules.

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