Booster shot for 29weeks preggy?

Currently 29 weeks and i kept getting reminders from MOH to get my booster shot asap before it lapses in March but i’m really worried about the side effects since I got my 2nd shot when I was 4 weeks pregnant (unknowingly) and i had high fever, rashes and the jab area was swollen. My husband didn’t get any side effects for both his vaccinations but had fever for days during his booster shot so I’m guessing booster shot has more side effects than the first 2? My gynae gives the green light and said the booster shot is safe but i’m worried if my fever (my fever goes up to 39-40 on average) would affect my baby? Any mummies to be taken the booster shot already? And do you guys have any side effects?

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I took my booster shot 2 days ago. So far just some light swelling on the upper arm. Similar to the previous 2 shots :)