How accurate is edd

Just curious do first time babies tend to come out early or late? ##firsttimemom

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mine was 39+6! it differs, really. some has it early, some has it on time, and some has it later. edd is ESTIMATED due date hence it's not like it's really really accurate, just a date of a perfect 40 week since conceiving.

my 1st came at 40+4 2nd came at 40+2 3rd came at 40+4 4th came at 40 5th came at 40+2 now pregnant with 6th due on dec😊 *update: my 6th came at 40+5. same birthday as his eldest sister😅

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2y trước

Dawn: 😅

Hi. :) my first babygirl arrived at 40+1. My upcoming babygirl is scheduled for 38+3. It really depends.

mine emergency c sect at 35 weeks+ due to water bag burst. Now worry for my second one will be the same.

Both of my kids exceed EDD. First at 41 weeks 1 day, Second at 40 weeks 2 days. I would say depends.

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Mine was at 39 weeks! Drs love the 39 mark for some reason

Mine Ecsect at 38weeks, FTM. Coz I was losing weight

My first was came out exactly on her EDD 😊

38 weeks for 1st and 2nd

My 1st was at 40+1.