Could share ur baby sleep routine? Trying to sleep train my son. He is almost 8weeks old, waking up to feed once every 2.5-3hours via FM. He cries ferociously each time when he's hungry. How do I stretch his feeds so that he can sleep through the night?

Time your baby's feed time well. Prepare feed 5mints before his feed time and give it while he's sleeping. If u allow your child to keep crying till u attend to hir needs, he may develop emotional issues in the long run. Babies can only express thru crying and yelling that they are uncomfortable. There are 5 things that they cry for. Hunger Thirst Diaper change Stomach cramps Comforting. Each time he cries you have to understand by his pattern what is wrong. If he cries with his feet to his tummy it means it's griping pain in stomach, so give him gripe water, or if he keeps rubbing his ear while crying so it's for ear pain. If u get his feed near his lips and he's hungrily searching for it that means he's hungry or thirsty. With babies there's no set have to adapt according to his needs...hence a simple routine is very necessary...just play some soft music and take him in your arms and move as though you are doing a small slow dance...I'm sure tht should soothe him... sometimes taking them out for a short drive will also soothe them
Read moreActually for babies to sleep thru the night, the most important thing is to establish a routine. Night routine. For all my girls when they are babies, At a certain time every night say 10.30pm, talk to baby, prepare pail of water, clean with towel, massage, change diapers, change into pjs, talk to baby to ask her to sleep until tomorrow morning after milk.. Then feed milk n pat/hug n sing baby to sleep.. For me it will sometimes stretch until 11pm-12am.. And she will sleep.... Until 5/6 am for a start is very good already. Cos when u established a routine, they know that it's night time n time to zzz until tomorrow morning.. My #1 sleeps thru after 1.5 months, she's on fm. My #2 sleeps thru after 2 months, she's on full bm. My #3 is 10 weeks now and beginning to sleep thru.. She's on full bm also.. Hope it helps u.
Read moreMy baby used to cry ferociously before I started doing the following - I started looking out for early hungry que and try to feed my baby before she cries frantically. After awhile, she realised that her needs will be met that's when she started crying less angrily in her second month.. Babies are very smart - once they realised that their caregiver will attend to their needs before they get desperate regularly - they will learn that there's no need to cry angrily for their needs to be met such as hunger and needed milk . But of cos this is just for my baby.
Read moreAt 8 weeks old, baby is still too young to be trained, I feel. However, for hunger pangs and crying loudly, I usually stood at aside and let baby cried for 5 mins. I would also talk and let baby know that mummy is here. He needs to know there is someone and by hearing the person's voice, will be soothing. Another way, I find it useful would be, by playing soft soothing music (either nursery rhymes or classical music). In a way, he will know that he is not alone. Slowly, he will feel secure and hopefully, able to delay and distract his feeding a little.
Read morei nv attend straight to LO's cries, whenever he cries and im preparing for his milk, i will talk to him and tell him im preparing and he cry will only make me slower in giving him milk, now he seldom will cry non stop, almost is to hint me that he is hungry and i will give pacifier to temporary satisfy him first and go prepare milk. he is on 4hourly now, when he is sleeping in the day can stretch til 5-6hourly as i wont wake him up when he is sleeping.
Read moreWhen my baby was 8 weeks, she would cry for milk in less than 3hours each time. Then i increased the quantity, that's when she could sleep longer. When baby had enough, she would not wake up every 3hrs at night. And the time will drag longer and soon, she will sleep through the night.. Of course, you need to set a routine - Wipe down, change into pyjamas then lay baby into the cot.. After a few days, baby will know that it's time for bed..
Read moremine started around early 2 months. 830pm wash up 9pm drink milk 930pm zzz and she zz tru the night till morning about 6am for her feed. we follow the time everyday and slowly I guess she just gets use to it. now when it's about time for her milk. she will start rubbing her eyes and then we know we need to wipe her already and then feed her.
Read moreYou can give him a bottle just before sleep and amount is enough for him. For example, he shd be on 150ml, u may wish to give him a little more say by another 10-20ml. Some says it helps but personally am not sure as I'm breastfeeding my baby. Some even say if he wakes up at night, feed him water instead of milk.
Read moremy 3months old twin feed once every 2.5 to 3hr during the day. 4 to 4.5hr during the night. during the day they feed about 15 to 30mins. during night about 10mins or so. i don't mind since i only need to wake up at 12am then 4am and each time only 10mins
My baby will sleep 9:30 or 10 pm everyday he is 2month old now he wakes up to feed or I wake him up to feed around 4 am or 5 am, I give him more milk before sleeping so he will not get hungry and keep waking up at night
Momsy of 3 radiant girl