2 month old
My LO drinks every 2.5-3hrs during the day . Do I let him sleep and only feed him when he cries for milk at night or wake him up to feed every 3 hours?

Hi there! Congratulations on your little one! It's great that you're asking this question because it can be a bit confusing to know whether to wake your baby for feeds at night or not. At 2 months old, most babies are able to go for longer stretches at night without needing to feed. If your baby is gaining weight well and your pediatrician is happy with their growth, you might want to consider letting them sleep and only feeding when they wake up hungry. Of course, every baby is different, so if your little one seems very hungry at night, it's okay to gently wake them for a feed to make sure they're getting enough to eat. As they grow, they'll naturally start to go longer between nighttime feeds. Remember, it's important to trust your instincts as a parent. If you're ever unsure, it's always a good idea to check in with your pediatrician for personalized advice. Hang in there, mama! You're doing great! https://invl.io/cll6she
Read moreI try to feed as on time as possible during the day. Night time I’ll try not to wake my baby up if she is able to sleep through. Will only feed her when she cries for milk.