Cost of living in Manila is high nowadays and I would like to help my husband with our finances by working while staying at home and doing my duties for the kids. Can you share with me tips on how to not lessen the quality time with the kida even when you are working at home?

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I can feel you, Mommy Ash. I'm actually struggling with finances as well so I am doing online business right now. It is quite challenging as I have to juggle and hustle to earn while taking care of the kids and doing house chores. The main factor is to really have a planned schedule according to your kids' schedule. By that, I meant planning ahead for the work that you will do. Say for me, I adjust my work schedule according to my free time which means the kids are at school or they are already asleep. So I make use of those time periods to be productive and do my online business--preparing the items, checking buyers etc. Then I do have some time allowance to give to my kids--because at the end of the day, they are and will always be my top priority.

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Same strategy as Guia. I only work for clients who allow flexible hours so I can manage my own time. I maximize the hours between 5am-10am while they are asleep so when they wake up, I'm almost done with urgent tasks and I can just continue when they have their syesta in the afternoon or when they go to bed in the evening. In between work, we do some role playing, read books, tell story, watch nursery rhymes together or simply cuddle.

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Flexi hours offered by online jobs are of big help for us. Both my husband and I work on flexi hours at home and we're able to look after the kids and manage our time as we don't have any helper. It's more of time management and finding the right client. We're blessed to have found clients who promotes 'family first.' Business is business, but to them, family should still be our number 1 priority above anything else.

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I agree with Guia, to only apply for jobs with flexible hours so that you can do your online work while the kids are asleep and focus on the kids once they are awake. Activities may vary depending on the kids' age and interest. But you can so storytelling, singing and dancing, maybe a stroll in the neighborhood and arts/crafts.

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I also looked for home based jobs on flexible hours. I work whenever my kids are asleep so when they wake up, we already have time to play or bond since I'm almost done or done with my work. If they wake up in the middle of my task, I put it on hold, then just continue working when they go back to sleep.

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Just like in the corporate set up, set a start and end time for your work. It takes discipline to do that and it's very challenging especially if you're the workaholic type. However, if you want to spend quality time with family start getting into the habit.

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I try to only apply for jobs that have flexible hours. In this way, I can work while my baby's sleeping so I would compromise as well my quality time with her.