Full time mom

At 31 y.o,I'm a mom of 2 boys, a 5 year old and 2 year old..and a working mom..my husband and i are both nurses. During this pandemic, it had given me hard time to take care of my kids specially my eldest who will be in grade 1 this school year.so, i decided to stop working as a nurse and stay with the kids at home ,my husband agreed...i've been working for 8 years and i can't help not no worry about my finacial share to our everyday expenses and what my in-laws will tell about ending my career and not helping their son in providing (financially) our own family.. can you advce me what to do..

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If in doubt always choose the kids mommy. Your career could wait but the time you spend with your kids can never come back. If your husband agreed meaning he can manage the finances, you need to focus on what’s also important. Your in-laws opinions should not matter for as long as you and your husband could manage your situation.

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3y trước

thank you momshie..sobrang gumaan pakiramdam ko..super thankful ako kay husband kasi very supportive siya..God bless you maam

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Prioritize your kids po, at that age po they are very critical kaya need po nila ang mommy nila. Let your husband provide for your needs since yun nmn po ang design ni Lord sa family :)

3y trước

opo mamshie..salamat