Do you all cook while pregnant ? And cook until which week ?
Do you all cook while pregnant ? And cook until which week ?

Yes, I cooked while pregnant with all of my children. I found it to be a great way to ensure that I was eating healthy and nutritious meals. I cooked throughout my entire pregnancy, right up until the week before I gave birth. However, it's important to listen to your body and not push yourself too hard. If you're feeling tired or uncomfortable, it's okay to take a break from cooking and ask for help from your partner, family members, or friends. Meal prepping and freezing meals in advance can also be a great option for those days when you don't feel like cooking. Just remember to prioritize your own well-being and don't feel guilty for taking a break when you need it. Wishing you a healthy and happy pregnancy journey!
Read moreI cook occassionally on my off days as I get sick of the food variety around my area.. If i get lazy, my hubby does the cooking for me instead. Currently in my Wk21+5 and will continue this meal arrangement until i give birth. Confinement meals, hubby will be handling it 😅
yes, I rotate cooking meals with my in-laws, cos I'm living with his family, they eat a lot of proteins and the food bought outside just don't offer enough proteins for them that is cost effective. So, if im craving any specific meals, I'll make it with x10 proteins 😂
Nope! I don’t really cook while pregnant because I’m working full time and travelling back home will take me 1 hour to 1.5 hours. By the time I reach home I am already dead tired 😂 If you’re not working full time, it would be ideal to cook.
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Didn’t cook during first tri because any smell made me nauseous but I’m currently 38w and still cooking every now and then! Husband prepares the ingredients, some days I just throw everything in the rice cooker to cook :)
I only know how to cook small simple meals, but I don’t do it daily. I was cooking my own dinner (sudden craving) a few hours before I head to hospital. I don’t have any smell aversion so it’s fine for me.
Occasionally cook when i have the mood and energy 😂 also sick of outside food. Sometimes just prefer home cooked food. Im at week 33 at the moment
I’m at my 13th week and no I don’t cook because I gag at the smell of cooked food. I’ll always want to vomit smelling cooked food unfortunately
I'm at my 10th week. I still cook occasionally because I get sick of eating outside food. Maybe can just cook simple meals to reduce washing.