15 Replies

it is painful, waaaaay more painful than menses cramp. for me, it first started with pain/cramps at my lower tummy and it goes around my whole waist. it is the most painful at the front tummy and lower back, then thats likely contraction pain. it gets worse and u will start to feel a wave of of contraction pains, cant stand straight and well, ur mind cant even be straight. but... it will all the worth it!

I am someone who is able to endure pain but contraction I could not at all, is really 1000x more painful than cramps.. I was able to handle it a day before I give birth to my boy but at night it became worse then around 1am it exceed my limit I couldn't take it anymore till I was crying so terribly then my husband suggested to get epidural

your " husband " so nice!

lucky for me I dont feel contraction pain even though bloody show n 3cm dilated when admitted. not that my tolerance level is high... I just gong gong think its just braxton hicks. then admitted liao and before the pain comes, I take epidural coz I scare

crazy painful for me.. i always thought my pain threshold is high, but contractions is legit even when i alr planned NO epi. last min i opt for epi🤷🏽‍♀️

Super painful for me. It’s kinda like menses cramp but 1000 times worst. But depends on your threshold too! I took epi. Couldn’t take it. Hahah


I started to feel the contractions only when after they induced me & the pain is 10x your menstrual cramps .

contraction like backpain for me . u change position lie down , sit down standing the pain is still there

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Yes..It’s really painful 😆 feel wanna poop but can’t come out..hehe 🤭

It’s like menses cramps, only 100x worse.. depending on your pain threshold.

Its feels like period pain level 80%, get it? but its ok.. Good luck 💕

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