what time CL goes to bed ?

My CL goes to bed at 7plus 8pm ... My boy wakes up 3 time every night for milk, interval of 3 hour to 3+ apart.. she will complain not enough sleep, my baby disturb her etc. She wakesup ard 745am every morning. And i would pick my baby from her 6am in the morning. She naps 2.5 to 3 hrs in the afternn still complain she very tired. I also noticed a few times she would let my boy to vomit milk n did nothing. My boy will make noise if he wants milk or needs change diaper or if he vomits milk. She wont attend to him only says ignore him, he is just being naughty. I brought hik to my own room, changed his dirty diapers n burp him, he went soundly asleep..

16 Replies
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Please change ur nanny asap,it seems like your baby is at her mercy and you have to put up with her.It will get worst...I have a bad experience with my previous CL and i regret not changing her earlier

6y trước

No such thing as 'naughty '.Babies usually cry when they are hungry,need change of diaper or need to be comforted

Super Mom

Wow so stressful. My nanny is also from pem but she is nice and helps in the night duty. So far 2 weeks plus and no problem

6y trước


Thành viên VIP

My nanny is from PEM and honestly, she doesnt seem to sleep! She told me to rest while she took care of baby at night.

6y trước

U r so lucky

If u dont feel comfortable, change her. You should rest more too, and CL should be taking care of baby

Super Mom

It’s part of her job to wake up so no excuses should be entertained.

Thành viên VIP

Your confinement nanny is not professional. Please request to change.

6y trước

And they are supposed to be the pro for babies, they jus complained our baby is naughty, necer reflect why they cant even handle baby when its their job and they are paid to do it. Now i have to manage on my own, cant bear to see my baby suffer

My CL is from PEM, i do not recommend PEM CL

6y trước

hope your next nanny is good and really help you😊

Thành viên VIP

Whhaattt. . maybe change to another CL?

Thành viên VIP

I think u better change a CL

Hi, Please change to another CL

6y trước
