cancer and pregnant
Hi, any cancer patient here who has already ended chemo and got pregnant? Ive question, should i down with fever, sore throat and block nose, do you just see normal gp or went down A&E? I forgot to ask my gynae abt this. But as you know, during chemo times, if fever, has to come back to A&E. I hope someone can help. I wish there is a 24hours hotline to call and ask..?
For most of my chemo/cancer patients, I will advise to go to ED if they have fever, whether they have completed or ongoing chemo. Because still immunocompromised so better to have thorough chrck before treatment for the fever and flu. My advise for you: Go to kkh urgent O&G dept if you have fever. You need to mention the following: 1. Type of cancer you had 2. Any surgeries done? 3. Chemo regime and sessions completed. 4. Current age of your pregnancy ie: weeks/months It is from there that they can treat you based on the history you have given. Hope it helps and speedy recovery.
Read moreMe! I'm a cancer survivor.. As for me, if im down with fever,flu or even cough, i just go to the GP. You just have to let them know that u just ended chemo and tel them that you are pregnant now. And do they will advise accordingly.
I see, ok sure noted. Thank you!
U can go kkh 24hr emergency gynae. If u want it to be under subsidise rate, make sure u have a poly referral letter. Please take care of urself mummy ♥️
Ok sure, noted. Thanks alot! ❤
I think if you’re under private, it should be ok to call the gynae’s clinic to ask if you’re not sure.
Yes, i think you are right. I will go down a&e probably if the fever too high. Thanks again!