Can we have sex during second trimester of pregnancy? Is it safe?

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As long as your water isnt broken your perfectly fine to have sex. Its actually really good towards the end of pregnancy because semen can cause contractions therefore labor.

Yes. Second Trim is the best time to have sex. Pregnancy is stable,belly isn't too big. And you are still quite mobile. So Keep it going!

My OB advised that we can still make love but my husband need to withdraw. She told me that sperm can soften the cervix and might dilate causing premature labor or miscarriage

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It perfectly safe and fun! hehe as long your pregnancy is normal. Doctor said sex will increase blood to the uterus and its goood fr the baby

Yes. But to avoid infection, I immediately urinate after sex and wash my private part. Just for precaution.

If you do not have any pregnancy complications you can have sex. If you are unsure you should check with your gynae.

Very safe if u and ur partner are loyal to each other if there's no loyalty USE PROTECTION 🤘🤘

It's completely safe if no medical issues on ground and u re comfortable with the bump size

Yes. Enjoy yourself sister, baby is safe! Just refrain from laying on your back.

Depending on how strong your pregnancy is, as long as it’s safe then no problem